My Three Favorite Post-Apocalyptic short stories
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My Three Favorite Post-Apocalyptic Short Stories During years i have read lots of post-apocalyptic stories which can fill a quite large bookshelf. But every now
5 reasons to read ebooks
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5 Reasons to read Ebooks I love books (well duh). I love reading exciting stories, especially in post-apocalyptic genre. Mainly i like to read books
5 Post-apocalyptic movies that are based on books
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5 Post-apocalyptic movies that are based on books The end of the world has always interested humankind and movies are no exception to the rule.
Why we read Post-apocalyptic books?
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Why we read post-apocalyptic books? Here’s a fun fact: One day it is Game Over. In our brief history, humanity has survived multiple cataclysms including